#SocialSellingForum Events

8 March 2019
Clickent Sie hier für das Fotoalbum   Social Selling ist die Kunst und der Weg, Social Networks zur Entwicklung für den Vertrieb einzusetzen. Nach fast 40 Ausgaben in Frankreich und in anderen Ländern, kommt das #SocialSellingForum nach Zürich. Wir möchten Vertriebsmitarbeitern, Marketern, Unternehmern und Recruitern helfen, Erfahrungen mit dem WARUM und dem WIE des Social...
24 October 2018
Social Selling is the art and the way to leverage Social Networks to develop Sales. After several editions in France, but also in Switzerland, Australia & Algeria, and one in LISBON on April the 10th, the #SocialSellingForum comes to PORTO We want to help Sales Directors, Marketers & Sales People share experience on the WHY...
#SocialSellingForum Alger
1 February 2018
Social Selling B2B, Why & How? Plénières 9h-10h15, puis 16h15-17h30 : 2 sessions plénières abordent le Pourquoi et le Comment du #SocialSelling Nous donnons la parole à plusieurs praticiens du Social Selling & de l’alignement Ventes & Marketing Ateliers 10h45-12h45 & 13h45-15h45 : Vous pouvez participer à 2 ateliers de partage d’expérience en faisant votre choix...
10 April 2018
Social Selling is the art and the way to leverage Social Networks to develop Sales. After several editions in France, but also in Switzerland, Australia & Algeria, the #SocialSellingForum comes to Lisbon. We want to help Sales Directors, Marketers & Sales People share experience on the WHY and the HOW of Social Selling. Come join...
19 April 2018
After several editions in France, Algeria, Switzerland and… Australia, the #SocialSellingForum comes to Brussels to help Sales Directors, Sales & Marketing people, Consultants, Entrepreneurs… understand the Why and How of Social Selling as a catalyst for Sales Transformation.   This page requires frame support. Please use a frame compatible browser to see the ticket sales...
#SocialSellingForum Melbourne
27 October 2017
The first #SocialSellingForum Melbourne took place on October 27th, 2017. Keynote presentations: – Ramak Salamat: https://goo.gl/oD9cXB – Tony J Hughes: https://goo.gl/y9aEna – Chris Reed : https://goo.gl/G9PWUQ Photos & Videos https://photos.app.goo.gl/AOT21ajHkH009zkq1 https://goo.gl/gVbjoV Other resources available  under the “presentations” tab below as well as the speakers / workshops facilitators list Major Sponsors
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